Labelling - We are Not Commodities

I've been spending some time listening to #Youtube videos (I'm usually doing something else too so it's on in background where I can switch to view if needed, but as I'm putting on a lot of Health Education vids I don't often need to watch as it's someone's experience.)
I would love to start doing this kind of thing as I think it would be really good therapy for me. Unfortunately I'm finding it hard to sit in front of a camera. After decades of avoiding them, I'm not comfortable with the lens focusing on me. I'm considering setting up my room so that I'm unfocused but still present ..... spooky girl lol

I've always been a little concerned about Labelling humans.
I understand that they can be useful in certain situations but they can also be either extremely stereotypical or imprecise words. They have a way of de-limiting our horizons and dreams. They don't allow us the freedom to change our mindsets easily for fear of hypocrisy, rather than embracing the enlightenment we care about the label ..... "you used to love Rock music, what are you doing listening to Dance?" -if not from others then from our own internal dialogue! They fix us in Time and can fix us in Place too - "Education is for the rich", "Don't dare to Dream if you live on a council estate/the other side of the tracks/ Inner City
I don't feel comfortable with the term: Disabled - I have always considered that, for a lot of people, their health does not truly Dis-Able them, I think the term Differently Abled could easily be applied.
The majority of things which Dis-Able us are in our surroundings and Societal expectations.
Yesterday I encountered the phrase DisGaybled as a way of drawing attention to some very specific problems encountered by people who are both physically or mentally Differently-Abled (my preferred term) and LGBTQ+ It was a very interesting, and fun, discussion and can be found here:-
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard and Annie Elainey - Positively Proving People Wrong!!!
I really wouldn't be able to express it as well as these two.

Final thought for the day:
I was looking at my freebies from July and realised that, yet again, I have unused hair products! It tells me 1 very important thing;
I'm not looking after myself properly again. This Has to Change before the Winter comes upon us again.


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