Half a kitchen is better than none.....

It's been a while, I'm rusty. I've been tweeting, pinteresting and FaceBooking a lot recently. This seemed a logical conclusion to a process that began nearly 4 years ago.

Lifelong depression and some silly choices in my life ended up with me suffering from sociophobia that became life changing, in part due to some poor medication choices by my health teams.
I may talk more about this as the blog develops but I wanted to open this with a declaration of intent.

I have been chronicling my cooking attempts on Facebook until now, not on my personal page as I felt that some of my friends and family would have opted out if they could. I love my FB family and friends, they're a constant support so, as I didn't want to alienate them I took some of my creativity away from there and started a hobby page up.

I've loved sharing tips and hints. Looking at other peoples cakes and food gets me started in the morning. Writing my posts helps to focus me, I'm hoping that this blog will motivate me to turn my life around and explore the world a little more before I'm no longer able to for physical reasons rather than mental ones.

I have cor pulmonale and COPD - defined best, and most simply, by Wikipedia. 
"When there is lung disease present, like emphysema, chronic obstructive lung disease (COPD) or pulmonary hypertension - the small blood vessels [of the heart] become very stiff and rigid. The right ventricle is no longer able to push blood into the lungs and eventually fails. This is known as pulmonary heart disease. Pulmonary heart disease is also known as right heart failure or cor pulmonale. The chief cause of right heart failure is the increase in blood pressure in the lungs (pulmonary artery)." 
I was hospitalised with severe oedema (from ankles to neck - 4 stones of water in my cells in 2 weeks) and stayed there to be diagnosed. It took 4 weeks to get me well enough to go home with permanent overnight oxygen.
That was 3years and 11 months ago. I'd been with my partner for 4 months by this time. We're still together and I'm alive to tell the tale. Unfortunately 2 days before I was due to be released my father died in a different hospital in a different city.

I swore when I was more used to my physical illness, and its frustrations, I would sort my head out and make a real attempt at getting out the front door. 
I still get frustrated but my journey has begun, with a kitchen in the process of having a reshuffle (at my partners), me trying to exchange a house for a flat (thanks to the new bedroom tax meaning I have to give up my home), and trying to make sure that we eat reasonable food.
It has to start somewhere so it may as well be here, it has to start sometime so it may as well be now :)


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