Out of Place

Today feels like the loneliest day of my life. I have no one to talk to who even remotely understands me. Unfortunately I have to include my partner in that too. He's my closest friend and he rarely understands, or accepts anything I say - unless I'm agreeing with him.  It's like living with my dad again.
I didn't want to leave Europe but now we have I'm moving on quickly. Somehow, somewhere it's getting personal and I just have too many issues in my head currently, and too many real life (selfish) problem to deal with that I feel I have to withdraw again.
Scared witless about the future of this country. Fed up of explaining that I'm half and half so don't expect me to be flag waving any day soon - whose flag would I wave? I had the European one which covered my family, can I have a World flag now please?
When I can stop myself from crying I will need to feed myself something


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